Which type of website is best for earning?

At the present day, there is a wide range of different types of websites. They are often classified based on their functionalities or purposes. Of course, it’s so hard to list out all types of websites. But if you want to know basic things about different types of websites and their uses, this article is for you as right below here, we are going to provide you with a list of the most popular types of websites. Check them out right now!

E-commerce website

E-commerce websites

The first type of website that we want to introduce here is e-commerce websites. Have you ever made a purchase on a website? If you have, the website that you made the purchase on is an e-commerce site. 

Any website having a shopping cart along with ways to make payment belongs to this category. You can think of this type of website as an online store or online shopping destination where visitors and users can shop and make purchases for services or products from a business. 

There are more and more e-commerce websites built these days. Many businesses even consider this type of website an important part of their sale efforts. 


The second one in this list of different types of websites and their uses is blogs. Unlike e-commerce websites, blogs can just offer reading materials like writings and articles, and even photos and videos as well. Typically, blogs’ content requires frequently updating. 

Blogs first started as a trend for individuals, but as time went by, this type of website has been used more and more by businesses due to its great benefits. They use blogs to update customers and provide informative, valuable content. 

Every business should have a website 

Different types of websites and their uses: Business websites

Business websites are also known as corporate websites. They are types of websites that represent a specific business. This type of website is nothing but an online presence of a company or a business in today’s digital world. 

Nowadays, almost every business available out there, including small local businesses should have a website. A website is one of the simplest and most effective ways to show what your business is all about and how to get in contact with you. 

In fact, e-commerce websites are also business websites but they aim to sell goods, products, or services directly instead of encouraging visitors to get in contact or to come to a physical store if they’re interested in buying something. 

Brochure websites

As the name suggests, brochure websites act as an online brochure, offering an overview of what a business is and how to get in touch with it. Well, it sounds the same as business websites’ functionality, doesn’t it? Yep, it’s true. 

In fact, brochure websites are considered the simplified form of corporate or business websites, just like digital business cards. That’s how this one and other different types of websites and their uses benefit a business. However, unlike corporate websites, brochure websites are mainly used by small businesses who just want a simple online presence.

Portfolio websites

This type of website is a perfect place for us to showcase our abilities, skills, and previous works as well. Similar to a physical portfolio, portfolio websites are used to display, introduce, and promote examples of works that we have done in the past. That’s the reason why they are primarily utilized by those working in the creative industry like artists, photographers, writers, …, and freelancers as well. That means a portfolio site can be used as a CV, demonstrating your skills, your abilities to impress your potential customers, clients, or your future employers.


Recently, we have listed out 5 different types of websites and their uses. They are, of course, among the most popular types of websites available on the internet these days. In addition to them, there are still many other types that we didn’t have the chance to mention in this article. Anyway, we hope that you found this article full of interesting and useful information.

>>> More: Different types of websites and their uses

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